Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Archdiocese of New Orleans

New American Cardinal: Cardinal Dolan

Arms of Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan. Xth Archbishop of New York.

the arms of the Ordinariates

Arms of the North American Ordinariate established on the First of January 2012.
The American Ordinariate is officially titled the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.
Father Jeffery N. Steenson a one time Episcopalian bishop (Episcopalian diocese of Rio Grande) has been named as first ordinary of the American Ordinariate. The See of the Ordinariate is located Houston Texas, at the Church of Our Lady of Walsingham, the principle church (Cathedral) of the Ordinariate.

The Ordinariate of England and Wales ( the first Ordinariate established for Anglican communities coming into communion with the Holy See.) titled the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, was established on 15th, January of 2011.
Mgr. Keith Newton, the former Church of England bishop of Richborough, was named by the Holy See as the first Ordinary of the the English Ordinariate.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

+ Joseph Bambara

+Joseph Bambara
Bishop of Scranton

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

City of Hartford Conn.

City of Hartford

City of Oxford

The coat of arms of Oxford shows an ox fording

the River Thames.

It has bearers that

represent two members of the court of Elizabeth

I who spent a week at Christ Church in 1566,


  • Left: a black elephant representing Sir Francis Knollys, High Steward of the City, Lord Lieutenant, and MP for the County
  • Right: a green beaver representing Henry Norreys of Rycote, Captain of the City Militia and MP for the County

The leopard on top, which is dotted with blue fleurs de lys, was a unique crest granted to

the city by Queen Elizabeth I. It wears the royal crown and holds the Tudor Rose in its


The Latin motto "Fortis est Veritas" means "The truth is


Archdiocese of Hartford

The arms of the Archdiocese of Hartford are called canting arms or armes parlantes, which speak or proclaim the name of the bearer. It displays a hart (deer) crossing a ford (hart+ford = Hartford), and is analogue to the ancient arms of the City of Oxford in England which displays an ox crossing a ford in the same manner. The hart bears a Paschal banner, a symbol of Jesus Christ. The wavy silver and blue lines at the base of the shield are the heraldic convention for water and are an allusion to the Connecticut River which flows through the state. These arms were designed by Pierre de Chaignon Larose and have been used since Bishop John J. Nilan's term as seventh Ordinary of the See, 1910-1934.